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Paper Boy

A boy who is something he is not. This boy is a popular kid, he isn't trusted and he seems badass and kinda upbeat. He seems like he doesn't have a care in the world. But deep down, this boy is bullied and beat up and his best friend killed themselves in June and his mom hates him and he hates everything about himself. This boy is not who he seems. Please, be gentle with paper boys. They've been through a lot and you never know who's a paper boy and who's a rock hard asshole. Keep in mind that you should be lucky to see the true words of a paper boy.

"God he's such an asshole."
"No, he's just a paper boy stuck in a paper town stuck in a paper world."

by I go by failure October 7, 2017

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Paper Street

1. A street that a town recognizes as an official street, and is public property, but is so seldom used that most people think it is just a short cut. Paper streets are not paved, so many people think they are part of their lawns.
2. The name of the street that Tyler Durden lives on in <i>Fight Club</i>. Possibly named this because of the term "paper street."

That old lady got pissed at us because she thought we were cutting across her yard, but we were just taking the paper street.

by tottaXlempi September 14, 2007

5๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

paper gangster

one who lives in the surburban area who is white and doing it for the image.

that kid with his moms lexus is a paper gangster

by dick March 31, 2004

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pen & paper

A small quantity of smokeable drugs & the necessary paraphernalia needed to partake.

Just wanted to stop by and remind you that I got pen & paper ready. Just let me know when you are ready to begin pimpin.

pen & paper

by Sylver May 30, 2006

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paper bag

man with banging body but booty looks.

Very ugly man with body of Brad Pitt.

If you would rather kiss his hairy ass than his face, but still want to freak him, then he is a paper bag.

sole (fem)
bodybuilders in general

Damn. That dude is hella ugly. Wait a second, go get that paper bag.

I saw a paper bag today, body was hella hot.

by Auntie Kweeph June 15, 2004

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paper plane

In hip-hop terms, a paper plane is a demand for civil liberties and rights. In particular, rights for black people and gay people. M.I.A. refers to paper planes in the song "Paper Planes."

We're sending a paper plane to Washington to make sure our government knows that we demand rights for blacks and gays.

by thirdworlddemocracy September 22, 2008

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(Acronym) People Against People Ever Re-enlisting Civilian Life Incentive Program. Represents enlisted members of the military who carry or wear a paper clip on their uniform as they reach the end of their enlistment. Significant of those members who advocate a return to civilian life.

"Nice paper clip, you short?"

by G8OR September 13, 2007

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