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peanut butter pooper

A person, who leaves large dollops of "peanut butter like" shit on the inside of the toilet bowl. Usually found at the workplace, but can occur in the home. The peanut butter pooper is notoriously hard to identify, and is thought to be a supernatural/mythical being in Indian cultures of the American southwest.

The "peanut butter pooper" had struck again, leaving large clumps of crap all over the toilet bowl in the employee break-room.

by Tink Tink 27 January 3, 2017

peanut butter push

When you put peanut butter on your dick and push your dogs head on it to lick it off

I just used the peanut butter push and it felt great!

by I fucked 6 men August 10, 2017

Peanut Butter on a Bagel

When a bagel gets peanut butter put on it.

Disrespectful, just don't do it. Don't be a hero, just put on cream cheese like a normal person.

Putting peanut butter on a bagel is like pooping on the floor; pooping isn't a bad thing, the floor isn't a bad thing, but put the two together and you get a bad thing.

When my partner puts peanut butter on their bagels, I proceed to throw them in the garbage. Then I throw the bagel in the garbage as well.

by TheDisrespect November 29, 2020

Peanut Butter Suit

U.S. Marine Corps slang for the old Tropical Uniform which somewhat looked like peanut butter......this uniform was fazed out in the mid 70's for the light weight Green Uniform

Time to change from Wool Greens to the Peanut Butter suit..

by Goldwinger July 4, 2012

peanut butter dong

The act of putting peanut butter on your dong and having your dog lick it off

Yo what’s good shlime! Watch this! Joe has peanut butter dong and his dog eats it

by Fart dong December 10, 2021

they go together like peanut butter and pickles

the more controversial version of "they go together like peanut butter and jelly". it means that 2 things go perfect together.

Davey: dude, chips and mayo, like, they go together like peanut butter and pickles.
Jon: Wtf? do you mean they go together like peanut butter and jelly?
Davey: No, what made you think that?

by Bacon friez November 3, 2023

they go together like peanut butter and pickles

The more controversial version of the phrase "they go together like peanut butter and jelly."

Davey: Bro Doritos and Mt. Dew, like, they go together like peanut butter and pickles!
Jon: Wtf? do you mean they go together like peanut butter and jelly?
Davey: No, what made you think that?

by Bacon friez November 3, 2023