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Hip Hop music that crosses over to Top-40 Pop Charts.

This Top 40 station plays, pop, hip hop, rock, and hip-pop.

by Mike Dizzled June 30, 2004

47πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Slaughter Pops

What you get when you add vodka (or any alcohol) to an Otter Pop, usually less than half a shot is required.

Usually requires re-freezing and always tastes terrific.

I had 67 Slaughter Pops last night, I don't even remember 36 of them.

by His_Name_Is_Zabo July 11, 2008

47πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Pop ShuvIt

a. A trick in skateboarding, where you ollie then spin the board 180 degrees under your feet and land.
b.Can also be used to amuse your friends
c. or impress people.
d.or as a bad term

a. I can do a pop shuvit
b.She's such a pop shuv it
c. I can pop shuvit and you can't
d.Don't have a pop shuvit up your ass

by billy bob kozminski May 13, 2006

29πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Polar Pop

A fountain soda that comes in a extra large styrofoam cup that's loaded with ice and usually purchased at a convenience store.

Kaylee : So girl where did you and Jake go for lunch?
Kiersten : Just went to the gas station we shared a sandwich and Polar Pop!
Kaylee : How romantic!
Kiersten : I know and by sharing A drink we also shared slobber too it was like kissing of course we did that as well.
Steve: Hey Kiersten want some of my Polar Pop it's Dr Pepper!
Kiersten : Uh gross I don't want your slobber in my mouth!
Steve : How bout my Dick!
Kaylee : Fuck off Steve before I make you wear that Polar Pop!

by SlopNChop July 19, 2017

28πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Hip Pop

Everything you hear on KISS FM and WKTU in NYC.

Jay Z
50 Cent

by slave to the record industry April 1, 2004

180πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž

hip pop

Also refers to the fusion of R&B/soul music with pop music and rap beats; soulless R&B with pop music sensibilites and rap music beats.

i.e. Mariah Carey, Ashanti, Beyonce, Ciara, Usher, Mario

Ciara does not make R&B music, she does hip pop.

by T.A.K. February 10, 2006

105πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

popped collar

Many Americans are confused concerning the real definition of a β€œpopped collar”. In short, a collar has been popped when the wearer flips it up, so that it no longer rests on one's shoulders. It frames the face, and hides much of the neck. Many β€œpoppers” nonchalantly flip their collars up, allowing the adjunct flap of fabric to slouch as it pleases, to create a vibe of effortless hipness. Some fastidiously iron said accessory, opting for a slick, polished look. Some favor the Twilight Zone style, fluffing their coat collars in a mysterious manner. The extremely confident poppers layer shirts, and simultaneously pop multiple collars. Polo or button-down shirts are the most popular media for poppage. (Typical of the coastal prep school dude and wannabe ganstas.)

That silly frat boy had a popped collar, until I pummeled him AND his collar into the ground.

by fuzzykiwi44 August 7, 2005

428πŸ‘ 152πŸ‘Ž