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prep mentality

The way preps think. It says, "I'm better than you, and I don't care about you or what you have to say. So shut up." Most people don't even notice they have aquired a prep mentality, and it is most often seen as bitchiness. It's the prep mentality - not the way some one dresses - that makes someone preppy and/or a prep.

It's not that I hate preps, or think they're bad people, but it's the prep mentality that make me mad.

by WhatareyouTALKINGabout March 5, 2010

8πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

devon prep

a school where people who want to start shit do it by posting anonymous insults on a website, I guess not having any contact sports makes them afraid of a real confrontation
They also have a strange obsession with penises, especially the penises of guys at other schools

Devon thinks its sweet, but its just a bunch of circle jerking nerds

by Awesome-o March 5, 2005

24πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

georgetown prep

hottataysss that kno whats hott and wats not...thats why they shun foxcroft. U KNOOOO!! they are some of the hottest guys ever shags, polos what more could a girl ask for?? they're also smart and rich...most def positives.georgetown prep is a school for straight up SEXXXAYS!!!

i agree with b_rizzle
JARED FUCKIN KOCHESKI!!! and frankie!!! :-D :-D :-D..so many other guys too

by Fuck ya'll December 24, 2004

108πŸ‘ 205πŸ‘Ž


In my opinion the true defintion of Anti-Prep is a person who is a firm believer in individuality an dbelives that "preps" take a trend to a new level. Anti-Preps are people who wear whatever kind of clothing that appeals to them. They could wear anything from ambercrombie to a hot topic shirt with some type of unkown logo on it. If your are a true anti-prep, you are a person who is against making descision, weather it's clothing,school activities,friends or social gatherings, anti-preps believe in deciding those things based on their own thoughts and opinions. Anti-Preps are open to many new things other than preps. Anti-preps are called ANTI<<< prep for a reason. Anti-preps are agaisnt preps in general. You can generalize preps because that's what they are... Preps.. the majority of them are alike and follow the same day to day and every changing trend of public highschools and teen life in general..

I am an Example of an Anti-Prep. I will wear anything from Old Navy, Gap, Abercrombie, To jerseys, hot topic shirts anything that appeals to ME and what I<<< I like ... I Have friends of all types of clicks and I have several close friends who share commin intrests but I do not descriminate against other people and exclude them because they are not in my " group of friends" ... I enclude anyone who wants to be incuded. This doesn't always work because some poeple just do not get along but that doesn't mean you can't be friends with more than one type of person. My idea of making the world a better place is in a key word >Acceptence< Accept what you are not OK with and we would all have a much ahppier adn safer enviroment.

by Austin ( and my cuzin Amanda helped with the imput) January 2, 2004

22πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Cathedral Prep

A school that wins football and likes men

I am from Cathedral Prep and I miss Ben Miles

by ΠŸΡ€Π΅ΠΏ January 8, 2019

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Cathedral Prep

Where do I start? Drug tests, hood rats driving down the class GPA, no cancellations, iPads with everything blocked, etc...
Why wouldn’t you wanna go here? We have a 100% college acceptance rate because Gannon is butt buddies with us.

Oh and by the way, the sports are corrupt. Playing time is granted based on how much money your daddy can pay unless you’re a super star!

Don’t go to Cathedral Prep!

by Gokester April 4, 2019

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

prep school

a community of preppy rich kids.

Are you going to the prep school dance this weekend? I hear some guys smuggled in beer. SCORE!

by dfgsdfg August 25, 2005

84πŸ‘ 161πŸ‘Ž