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reverse psychology

Where an arrogant/disgruntled/overly-confident client "turns the tables" and attempts to counsel the psychologist.

Dr. Phil: Let's talk about your childhood.
Madea (cheerfully): Let's talk about YOUR childhood.
Dr. Phil. Talkin' about MY childhood isn't gonna help YOU out. Okay, let's try a different route. Do you sleep well at night?
Madea (with an impish breezy smile): Do YOU sleep well at night?
Dr. Phil (passing his hand over his face in a "I can't handle this --- NOBODY could talk any sense into this woman" gesture): Look --- I ain't gonna be able to help ya if you're gonna practice reverse psychology here!

by QuacksO December 25, 2016

28๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


the ninja move Jesus used to get back to heaven

After the reincarnation, Jesus reverse-parachuted back to "heaven" (scientifically known as the exosphere)

by AirplaneDonk November 18, 2010

34๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Reverse Cowgirl

The position of which is supposedly the correct usage of the common toilet in which the person sits on the toilet seat facing the water tank and uses the tank as a table so that the user can work while taking a crap, as instructed by the ghost of Sir John Harington. This prevents the user from falling ass-first into the toilet bowl which could lead to unwanted deaths and scams from evil law firms.

You're taking a Sir Harington the wrong way- you're supposed to reverse cowgirl!

by agnerypershiiion March 20, 2012

341๐Ÿ‘ 268๐Ÿ‘Ž

reverse racism

The act of insuating that people the likes of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcom X, both civil rights activists, as well as organizations such as the NAACP, are racist.

The irony of this argument is that it is usually applied by those already harboring racial prejudice, as the subjects in question were a product of, and necessitated by, racial injustice and motivations to correct it themselves.

This may yield the argument that it is injustice that pro-White organizations cannot coexist, but there's a problem with this argument for three reasons:

1. Europeans/Caucasians have never been historically disadvantaged by racism; the irony is that America itself was founded by the extermination and subjugation of other races.

2. As a result of #1, the dominant race of America was European/Caucasion, leaving other races a minority factor and this has not considerably changed in today's day and age in spite of its more multicultural population.

3. Pro-White organizations have a notoriety for asserting the ideology of White supremacy. White Nationalist organizations that have surfaced after the steady decline of the KKK are contended to be a sanitized face for White supremacy, since violent demonstrations of force were no longer acceptable.

This is usually applied by those identifying with the political far right, who are historically anti-civil rights, as the KKK themselves were far right. It should also be noted that moderate conservative Abraham Lincoln caught a lot of flack for his civil rights views by his own party.

reverse racism in action:

Person 1: Isn't it racist that the blacks have the BET channel, i.e. Black Entertainment Channel?
What if white people had a "White Entertainment Channel." Blacks would be screaming about it! Let's make this fair! If we're going to pick and choose, then we need to look at both sides of the fence!

Person 2: Stop bitching. Mostly everything else on tv is targeted towards white people.

by heavensxnight July 11, 2008

294๐Ÿ‘ 453๐Ÿ‘Ž

Reverse Train

The opposite of "running train", whereas multiple women have sex with one man. This is different from a threesome (or more than three people) because it is not having sex with multiple women at one time, but having sex with one right after another.

I ran reverse train on Princess Zelda, Queen Zora Bitch, and Midna.

by Bill Kanvis December 12, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

flip reverse it

The method used to get the gradient of the normal line to a point on a curve by using the gradient of the tangent at that point. Therefore reversing the sign (+/-) and flipping the fraction.

Hey doode I just got the gradient of the normal at (4,5) to this curve by switching the gradient from -(4/1) to +(1/4). I am totally gonna flip reverse it again

by cod5andchips May 27, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Reverse Blumpkin

1) Like a normal blumpkin, but the girl is taking a shit and giving you a blow-job.

"Man that crazy girl from class wanted me to come in the bathroom while she was shiting so she could give a reverse blumpkin. But I said "no thats nasty!"

by Chris November 17, 2004

100๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž