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round pastry theory

The round pastry theory is commonly found in the RC airplane community. The theory states that consuming any sort of round pastry prior to a flight test will gauruntee a shit show. ESC’s are prone to exploding when round pastry’s have been consumed.

The theory dates back to 2014

Friend: *Starts to eat a donut*
Other friend: “DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING? The Round Pastry theory says you eating that donut just garunteed our RC MIG will crash.”

by NoBiscuits October 31, 2017

round dancin'

Dodging bullets.

Man, that Brother took off, round dancin' all the way!

by Wico Iye Owaci January 8, 2012

change round-up

This occurs when purchasing an item and your change is 4 cents, 9 cents, 14 cents, etc, and the teller rounds up your change to the next highest denomination becuase they're cool shit and pennies are ridiculous.

a buys a coffee. b (teller) does the change round-up.

a: Thanks dude.

b: No prob. I hate this job anyways.

a: Yeah, screw the man.

by sike moda November 17, 2009


The action during intercourse when without stopping, the male's penis bounces off the side of the female's vaginal wall bending and making an audible POP sound. (POP/SNAP sound)

"I was balls deep when my foot slipped and chambered-a-round iner."
"I pulled out too far and Chambered-a-round again."

by FranticOstrich October 13, 2020

brown boy year round

white boy summer but better
nice shirt joggers dress shoes only built different
no perms allowed, shits cringe
gold chains and jewelry recommended.


by shwinnie September 13, 2021

Round Tuit Folder

An imaginary folder (or even a real one) where ideas, recipes, projects, and tasks are placed with the intention of getting around to them eventually, but often end up accumulating indefinitely.

Derived from the phrase "I'll do it when I get a round tuit" (a play on "get around to it").

My Round Tuit Folder is bursting at the seams! I really need to start tackling some of those projects I've been putting off.

by nexzed August 16, 2024

Bending the Round

1. when someone is gaining weight or slowly fading into a state of physically unfit. i.e. "I am bending the round." or "He or (She) has been bending the round." "I've been bending the round."

2. when someone has ate too much or feels stuffed after eating too much. i.e. First person: "How was dinner?" Second person: "Oh man, I'm bending the round right now." Or in reference to someone else at the table, "Man you are bending the round right now!"

fat huge eating weight full unfit Bending the Round gluttonbig stuffed

by Stewy Stew July 19, 2009