to look good, have great style, and be generally stunning
"omg have you see yves' new mu_gung photoshoot? she slayed so hard!!"
Your the type of person who can’t pull.
Macy:you clearly can’t pull
slay what you wanna slay and let the slay slout slay soul sister slay my sister mister
person 1: do you slay
person 2: yes I do slay
person 1: wanna smash?
person 2: yes mommy
when someone texts you saying “slay!” it means that person is inlove with you and they are obsessed🌚
u know u slay when someone says slay to u! meaning that u seriously killed it, bestie. go love urself and give that friend a hug.🫃
hey girlie! i kicked my ex’s ass today and told him to eat ass!
yooo that’s so slay 😍
When you like something very much
Guy1:look at his toes