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the definition of slow is Kylie and Kamya.

Kylie and Kamya are slow because they made a joke about “MiDdLe ScHoOl ChEcK”

by aye1234576 March 17, 2019


the definition of slow is kamya and kylie

Kylie and Kamya are slow because they made a joke about “MiDdLe ScHoOl ChEcK”

by aye1234576 March 17, 2019


Nick Is The slowest person in the world even the fastest person in the world can beat him so I think nick would be getting 2 bucks from a person.....

Nick Is like a snail Hella slow

by Very very slow March 2, 2017


1. Typically defined as a person who is either not hasty because he or she doesn't care or isn't in a hurry because of their slayed back attitude.
2. A person who has mental retardation due to their lack of IQ points.
3. To move slowly.

1. She tends to be running behind because of her slayed back attitude.
2. Is he slow or is that just me?
3. That grandpa is driving so slow.

by PineappleJuice March 24, 2015


Meds that slow you down. Lean, Percs, Xans, Hydros

Yo dog you got some slow ?

JB got all the slow right now ?

by Goozeman April 18, 2018


Mainly used in Ireland. If someone is slow means they are slow in the head. Basically means that they did something wrong or said something wrong.

Tim joe: omfg is she acc slow Johnny: ikr she just fucking retarded like y tf did she do that she so slow

by Sound out March 30, 2019


Being so dumb

Are you slow Janiah??

by Czech May 20, 2022