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the glazing squad

Top notch window fitters and overall legends.

Person 1 - I need some window repairs and double glazed units changed.

Person 2 - call the glazing squad they're the best.

by Tgsgang November 24, 2021

Cougar Squad

A collection of lady friends in their late 30's and early 40's who hang around and prowl for younger men. They are usually divorced or single.

I had a blast with my Cougar Squad on my birthday, they took me to a strip club and paid for all my dances.

by Losman94 October 19, 2010

E Squad

A group of kids who don’t know what their doing 90% of the time

E Squad! Get over here!

by Penguin Piper October 15, 2019

E Squad

A group of kids who don’t know what their doing 90% of the time

E Squad! Get over here!

by Penguin Piper October 15, 2019

felicia squad

The squad who thinks they are the shit and always wants to start drama but little do they know, they are actually a bunch of gay cunts that everyone hates.

felicia squad: WE ARE THE BEST SQUAD *shouts in a loud voice on purpose so the squad next to them can hear*

(the felicias go and snitch on squad 1 because they swore)
squad 1: fuck I hate the felicias

by anonymous 12347 July 28, 2018

Squid Squad

A band of 3 Inklings and an Urchin from the game Splatoon

Squid Squad is my favourite band.

by Squid Ska April 11, 2021

Cootie Squad

Used to make fun of someone's group/squad.

Jake: Your such a loser!
Me: what are you gunna do run to your Cootie Squad.( ̄_, ̄ )

by AbsoluteLuxxary January 4, 2021