Top notch window fitters and overall legends.
Person 1 - I need some window repairs and double glazed units changed.
Person 2 - call the glazing squad they're the best.
A collection of lady friends in their late 30's and early 40's who hang around and prowl for younger men. They are usually divorced or single.
I had a blast with my Cougar Squad on my birthday, they took me to a strip club and paid for all my dances.
A group of kids who don’t know what their doing 90% of the time
E Squad! Get over here!
A group of kids who don’t know what their doing 90% of the time
E Squad! Get over here!
The squad who thinks they are the shit and always wants to start drama but little do they know, they are actually a bunch of gay cunts that everyone hates.
felicia squad: WE ARE THE BEST SQUAD *shouts in a loud voice on purpose so the squad next to them can hear*
(the felicias go and snitch on squad 1 because they swore)
squad 1: fuck I hate the felicias
A band of 3 Inklings and an Urchin from the game Splatoon
Squid Squad is my favourite band.
Used to make fun of someone's group/squad.
Jake: Your such a loser!
Me: what are you gunna do run to your Cootie Squad.( ̄_, ̄ )