Music that is usually listened to by minority groups, especially black people. Usually some sort of trashy rap or pop music.
Guy 1: You like this new song; its from Gunna's new album
Guy 2: No, get turn that food stamp music off
Large hickeys with bite marks around them.
DAAAAAAMN!!! That's a huge dee-stamp.
Did you see that giant dee-stamp on Holly's boyfriend?
A mark on a sloots neck caused by the vaccuuming of another persons mouth, thus showing how kinky (and dumb) the sloot is.
Damn, BITCH! What the fuck is that kink stamp doin on yo so kinky!!
the coffee stamp is performed by spreading ones buttcheeks, placing their anus on the unsuspecting victim and leaving behind a small brown ring, much like the stain a coffee cup would leave on a piece of paper.
dude mike passed out early! lets go coffee stamp his forehead!
The act of placing your terd filled butthole on the forehead of a friend. Example: Frank passed out shitfaced and nicole having no nutsack to teabag him, squeezes a turtlehead out and hits Frank with the infamous dirt stamp!
It's the girl version of T-bag. A girl is up above the face of someone else & she would dip down and rub her vagina across their forehead then leave a snail trail.
"If you don't shut your mouth, I'll shut it with my vagina" ... clam stamp.
Fishing for stamps is slang for living off of government welfare, in Canada's eastern provinces, fisherman fish for four months of the year, and for the other eight months, they live off welfare because they don't know how to provide for their families otherwise.
Now that lobster season was over Bill and John would be fishing for stamps to provide income for their families