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unicorn piss

1. The mixture of Red Bull, Amp. Monster, Rosckstar.. Etc. all in one magical drink

2. if added SPECIAL to the beginning thus getting (Special Unicorn Piss) you add alcohol to this magical prostate tickler and get f**ked up :)

1. a. Yo is that Iced tea?

b. Nope this is Unicorn Piss!
2. a. I'm really in the mood to get messed up.

b. Here, i have some Special Unicorn Piss.

a. Thanks!

by Zigbozute October 19, 2011

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Saskirawr Unicorn

She is the most beautiful girl on this planet, Because she is a unicorn.

She has no horn, but she makes up for it by having sparkly brown eyes.

She loves Emo boys, but Is currently single, but it's just because no boy is good enough for her.

Phwooaar, Look Over there, Theres Saskirawr Unicorn, I'd bang that bitch, but I'm not good enough for her.

by SaskirawrFan December 27, 2011

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The Unicorn Finish

At the end of sex when the man is ready to finish, he stands behind the girls' head and rests his penis on the top and busts the load forward. The penis is the unicorn horn. GET IT!?

"Yeah Jamal, I was with Shanicequa yesterday. We decided to get it on you know, and I finished with the unicorn. She got pretty pissed because I fucked up the upholstery on her new love seat. The Unicorn Finish was pretty fun though. know what I'm sayin'?"

by dannakins December 7, 2008

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Majestic Unicorn

A magical pony that has wings and a horn. And is filled with pure magic and candy, but is only in a Utopia.

Ariel: i wish i had a Majestic Unicorn.
Cassandra: There is no such thing.

by Gina the Fat Lard January 13, 2012

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fucking unicorns

What do you want to know? THEY ARE FUCKING UNICORNS. Magestic rainbow shit, candy farts. Liquid chocolate diarrea. Candy corn tears.... FUCKING UNICORNS. WANT MORE DEFENITION GO LOOK FOR A FUCKING UNICORN YOUSELF
Yours truly

BRATney: Unicorns dont exiiiiiiiisstttttt :/

by FuckingUnicornsBiatch June 15, 2017

Unicorn Piss

another term used for not a #1 nor a #2 but a #3/cum

β€œbro im tired of cleanin up unicorn piss off the bathroom floor”

by 73JT August 12, 2022

Unicorn Party

A polyamorous party where couples and potential unicorns mingle in order to find mates.

"Hey did you go to that unicorn party, I went and met a hot couple who I'm going to see again later this week"

by Troubled1 September 11, 2021