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Rice lager

When you get an Asian lady to jerk you off with chopsticks and while you're cumming she throws rice in you're face.

She gave me a rice lager, and now we're having sushi for dinner.

by EnglishFacts November 20, 2017

minute rice

Cheap, easily installed, easily breakable, and somewhat tacky and gaudy vehicle modifications. It looks like a great amount of money went into modifying the car to the untrained eye. But to people who are good at spotting cheap and gaudy mods, it looks tacky.

"Hey, dude, check out Lee's car! He has chrome spinner rims, a coffee can muffler, LEDs under his chassis, chrome license plate covers, his bumper and spoiler are chrome wrapped. He also has LED valve covers, and chrome wipers!. All that rice must have cost a lot of money."

"No, Anna. That's not real rice, that's minute rice. All that stuff cost around 300$ altogether at most. Probably about $150. The rims are just wheel covers for steel wheels. You can make a custom breadboard of LEDs with a AAA battery and scrap you can find at an electronics store for less than 2$, chrome vinyl wrapping can be installed for about 10$ and the cost of a hair dryer at the thrift store, the spoiler's stock, LED valve covers, you can get at Wal Mart for 8$, the muffler was just and you can get Chrome Wipers and license plate frames at Autozone for 20$ a pair. The coffee can exhaust is just a can of Great Value coffee he stripped the paint off of , chrome vinyl wrapped, and JB Welded onto his muffler. His car's about as tacky as that gold plated crystal encrusted digital watch he always wears. Fitting, because he has minute rice on his car."

"Ha ha ha, good one!, Jair!"

by Ollie Churpuzzi September 12, 2020

Minute Rice

Any car"riced out" modifications that are cheap and tacky. Unlike genuine "riced out" modifications that costs hundreds, or even thousands of US Dollars, minute rice is often cheap and extremely flashy, yet tacky.

Kara: Hey man, Lee over there put some minute rice on his 2005 Hyundai Accent!

Jair: Ha ha ha! The car looks tacky as hell! LED valve covers, a coffee can muffler tip, spinner wheel covers... not rims, wheel covers..., chrome painted windshield wipers, LEDs under the body, LED gear knob, a giant vinyl Hyundai H decal on the front lid, a cheap, aftermarket spoiler that sticks out 3 feet above the rear lid, cheap chrome paint on the doors, a cheap, chrome painted antenna ball.

Anna: Lord, this is the tackiest thing I've ever seen. At least it didn't set him back more than 200$.

by Ollie Churpuzzi September 11, 2020

Rice pussy

A girl that says words wrong a lot

“ she said lemonade instead of lemonade, what a rice pussy

by C0000dawg February 6, 2021

rice stain

asian person.
normally short

hey look over there

at what

that damn rice stain she keeps giving me the eye

by sacannah January 30, 2008

Lil rice

lil rice, often know as Evelyna. Grandaughter of original rice, Carolyn. Daughter of Sandy. Sister of an older brother and a middle elf, know as dobby. He hides in bushes behind snapchat. She likes sing, because. She can block any noise from the middle elf. She dances to kick butt from older brother. Her father, professor at university. MIT.

hi lil rice

by pun.queen January 9, 2019

Rice cooker

Someone lame or boring

Blake is such a rice cooker
Stop being such a rice cooker”

by Diane m. January 28, 2019