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A Western supporter of Hamas, which uses a watermelon as a symbol. These people are Far Left Communists who can’t find Palestine on a map and think Conservative Muslims love LGBTQ people.

Watermelons were stunned to learn that Muslim women in Palestine were unhappy with their lives, and not because of “Zionists.”

by Razor1987 November 27, 2023


A food that is very tasty to people especially those loud basketball lovers. It is mostly put together with Kool-Aid and Chicken.

"Mhm don't you love that watermelon donquirious"

by blackbasketballlover December 4, 2023


but fr why tf did u search up "watermelon" on the urban dictionary

If someone calls something of yours "watermelon" it could mean they are trying to be nice even though theres nothing to be nice about whatever the hell you have

May: "So how do you like my new hair?"
Nico: "its so..watermelon"
May: "Huh?"
Rosie: "Yeah it's so..watermelon!"
May: "Just say its bad goddamnit."

by the one and only # February 4, 2024


My little sister

Emily:Who do you think would like watermelons?
Ur mom: My little sister.

by salvord28 May 27, 2022


1. A fruit.

2. An alternative term to express that something is cool. It was primarily used in the video "Kardashians at a Drive Thru" by SimgmProductions. The word is still used in other Kardashian spoofs and there is a number of people saying it under Simgm's comment section.

The negation of "watermelon" would either be "not watermelon" or "sour watermelon".

"This video was so watermelon!"
"The salad at the restaurant is so watermelon."
"That's totally not watermelon!"

by Karehu February 3, 2018


Watermelons are a lucky fruit. If a watermelon has come into life you are a lucky person. Enjoy this fruit as you would a dip in a cool pool of water while being served honey from the Sun.

And they served watermelon to me.

by WordBoss3 March 10, 2023


what you can mouth if you are pretending to fake whisper and then laugh like a heyena.

"i was just watermeloning."

by I make Definitions Bree March 2, 2022