a sound invented by Coults that by forcing breath through a small hole between one's lips or teeth.
Friends & Family ion pay for this steez (whistle x4)
The two non-binary people blew each other’s whistles and lived happily ever after.
A slang term used in the UK for a gun with a silencer on it, a lot of people think it just means gun but this a wrong definition.
I love my man Mardi he had a whistle at the party
Yo did you see my man with that gun he had a whistle on it too
Dont mess around wif them niggas they got the whistle
Inhale a menthol cigarette up one’s anus & exhale it into a partners mouth (sometimes may be a super toke depending on if it’s the weekend)
“He ran a train on my pussy than gave me that steam whistle!”
When a female wearing a g-string accidentally sharts causing a slight whistle followed by a squish.
My girlfriend and I were out to dinner the other night at a mexican restuarant, when I made her laugh so hard she accidentally farted playing me a tune on the squishy whistle.... so I sang along.
An enormous release of flatulence aka a huge fart
I was in the work bathroom the other day and Gilmore walked in and let out a huge Titanic whistle