Small ass dick gets no bitches and like letting his dog tickle his balls
Zach is a good friend
Snail eating whore, who likes tapping his sister
Dam that guy Zach is such a fag
wrong. delusionally, utterly, psychotically, gut-wrenchingly, cock-suckingly wrong…
i cant believe he’s being such a zach yolking on himself using a machine gun!
Zach is a all out badass redneck who is really tall and plays lots of sports and is very strong, he won’t take sh!t from no one and will even help u through tough times he is caring and very loyal, he is super funny but gets in lots of trouble, he misses A...v.... he is a very nice guy so if u ever get told by a Zach that he like you don’t let him go
Person 1: did you hear about that tall kid
Person 2: you mean Zach
Person 1: yeah
A person who replays anime memes and thinks it's funnier each time. He also always says he's NOT a weeb, But he is....
Zach: Look at this anime show
normie: No
Zach: you'll LIKE IT.
normie: dies of anime cringe
A Zach is usually a sexy man with a sexy soul. He can get possessive towards someone he loves and also make them feel like the most important person on earth. He loves to have sex with hot women and uses every single body part capable of penetration. But his other talents and personality overshadow his bed skills. If you see a Zach, value him with all your heart.
Get Zach'd on you fucking pussy.