Look at your behind then you’ll see a hole witch is the butt hole
It is just a hole in your butt
A hole in the butt, or jeans
I crouched looking under my bed and a butt hole formed on my jeans
A gay man who is the protector of his gay lovers anus and makes sure no other “genital sword” penetrates his anus
Dean is the butt Knight of Drew’s anus
I used to have a bumble bee butt, then I had a hysterectomy and my ass went flat
Rat/fast female, usually known for twearking.
“Aye u seen that party the other night?””yea I was there it was hella shakey butts
A shakey butt is a hoe, rat and a bop.
“We bout to go to the shakey butts”
“Where all the shakey butts”