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Jules dog

Hotter than a slide at summer 🥵🥵🥵

Jules dog is really hot ❤️

by Jules dog March 3, 2021

Police informant dog

Usually a fat "overly obese" cunt that like to this he is the real deal gangster but in fact is a snitch and will sell anyone out to get ahead or out of trouble

Commonly associated with meth addiction also

That police informant dog ratted me again the snitch dog

by 1800truthteller May 2, 2022

g dog

g dog is a person who is loving like grant.

do you know g dog

yea he is hot asf

by nah you will never know March 17, 2021

Junkyard Dog

nickname for Karl Rove who has no college degree, is a college professor, and is considered the Michael Jordan of political consulting.

The junkyard dog sent out more direct mail than a local car dealership.

by Coop Dupe December 9, 2019

Sod the dog

A upper class, posh meaning of "who cares". Many Georgians used the phrase and is still used now by very formal spoken people.

Sod the dog what you think, I'm going shopping

by @catsbeltbombik September 28, 2021

dog shit snow ball

A snow ball containing hidden dog shit.

Tommy knew that the nuclear option was using a dog shit snow ball.

by autmwnd February 25, 2015

Shmot Dog

A hotdog but instead of a bun it is a half toasted piece of light bread

Yo gimme dat Shmot dog homie

by IButterMyNutter August 28, 2020