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White Whale

A fat white chick

guy 1 "DAMN that chick was fat af bro"
guy 2 "She's one big fucking White Whale"

by Liljewboi420 January 29, 2018

White Whale

Mschfs fucking event where they leaked everyones phone number and no one can solve its puzzle

Did ya get the white whale challenge? the white whale challenge was my favorite?!?!?!?!

by Im0ster October 6, 2020

White Whale

When you pack someone's asshole with cocaine, with the anticipation they will pass gas. When they fart, creating that beautiful blowhole effect, you snort that freshly scented cocaine fart up.

Let me snort that coke outta your ass, white whale style.

by FarkDaNarc October 1, 2019

White whale

Someone or something you absolutely loathe and despise for taking everything from you.

Girl "Oh hey meet my boyfriend "

by Shadow-aron January 24, 2023

White whale

It’s when a girl squirts on your face when your going down on her.

kid:Dad my girlfriend came on my face the other day
Dad:Holy shit you achieved the white whale

by big cack42069 February 25, 2021

White Whale

The act of ejaculating in your female partners anus and then having her fart to shoot the cum into your mouth, imitating the blow hole of most whale species

Friend 1 - Dude I had her give me a white whale last night!

Friend 2 - dude you’re so fucking lucky! My girl is too vanilla for that

Friend 1 - Fucking sucks bud

by TheGoldenWhale February 17, 2025

Considered white

when an asian or other non white race is doing more American things than What their own race does.

When Michael, one of my Asian friends said that he didn't like anime or rice , I told him he is now officially considered white

by akmunde January 27, 2016