Short for I hope you get cancer so you don't get your sorry ass banned of league of legends
Teemo: GG mid 0/10 gap
Kassadin: I hope you get c
Short for "I hope you get cancer"
Teemo: GG mid 0/10 gap
Kassadin: I hope you get c
communicatng or attempting to reach out to a person
getting back into someones life is similair to apologizing
Getting off of or stopping the bullshit about Money issues
Get off the bread, I'm not paying you for that.
When your friend says a good joke and you end up laughing, but your teacher is like "I TOLD YOU NOT TO LAUGH DURING A TEST" and end up getting a 0 on a test.
I was caught laughing and getting in trouble.
To be sexually assaulted in the rear
Getting coned- to be sexuall assulted in the rear by a penis