Destiny and I are getting together tonight. First imma put the D in the V and afterwards I'm gonna C on the B.
It's gonna be great!
An old man who is a geometry teacher but instead of teaching class, makes origami star wars ships and talks about running.
What is the theorem on the test for b drex’s class?
Pump the Breaks. You use this phrase when you want someone to slow down. This is used instead of the terms "relax" or "chill out"
Kyle told Sara to P the B's when she asked him to get married prematurely.
Male or female without a job and gets over on his or mate or significant other.
B-diesel stays home all day while his woman is working and he plays the game or sleeps all day.
B-diesel drinks forties and smokes blunts and sleeps on and off daily until his woman get on from work.
B-diesel hangs out on the block, in front of the liquor store with other B-diesels.
B-diesel beggs his woman for money to buy his cigerettes and his forties.
B-diesel also goes for tough, and his woman helps out by boosting his eagle.His woman also has to say things to make him feel like a man.
B-diesel babysits all the kids while his woman works and she put the babysitting check in his name.
B-diesel's dresses descent and always have a few dollars in his pocket and stunts and fronts like he has it going on, but his woman is the one providing him with all these things.
B-diesels also gets their ways and goes on trips all around the united states and again don't work.
B-diesel also works a job for a short period of time and uses and excuse to get fired or quit.
B-diesel's have woman that works like hebrew slaves to satisfy his every want and needs while the child goes without.
Also a B-diesel is a woman whom neglects her children and never satisfies them but makes sure that theB-diesel (man) has all that he needs and wants.
A man who loves any girls with big, curvy boobs. B-lover meaning a (big) boobs lover.
Jack: Hey man! Look at her boobs! They are stunning!
Tom: Oh Jack! You are such a b-lover.
The guy who asked a girl named shaylee for nudes, and inst comp at 2K #DogWater
Have you seen luke?
Yeah he’s pulling a Charlie B
She is an independent person who always does her own thing. she is very kind but when you make her mad your in trouble. she is a great friend to have and is a hilarious person to be with.
Sariah .b is a really strong person who never cares about what others think. she cares for people and feels sympathy for them when their down. she is a beautiful person both inside and out with a great sense of humor.