a girl who tends to keep secrets from her boyfriend/husband
My Girlfriend never tells me anything, she’s such an Abby
they suck and need to be slapped in the face tbh.
Did you see abby today? i wish i could slap them.
Someone who is shabby and flabby and can get really crabby. She has terrible lungs as well, not being able to blow air through a straw and can not understand sarcasm.
Pro: has a bonbon
Con: quite chabby
-Oh no she took my phone! That’s quite Shabby Abby of her
Abby is a bubbly blonde girl with blue eyes, she is usually a libra and is a hopeless romantic, her interest can Include dogs, marvel, anime or even video games. She has a bright personality like a golden retriever, deals with heartbreak but doesn't let it ruin her life. She likes to dress alternative/swaggy. She's also quite crazy when it comes to boys!!
The best girlfriend evaa
She has the most beautiful brown eyes and hair. She usually has alot of acne.
She falls in love with boys, not because of looks or height, but because of personality. She always seems fine but sometimes she can't take it and cries. If you see her cry it means she must really trust you. She is mostly compatible with guys that has a name that starts with A or C. She can get freaky in bed and is the best kisser. Her chest is flat but she got the best ass. Her boyfriend has to always tell her how beautiful she is because shes too insecure herself.
Guy 1: damn, that girl over there is THICK
Guy 2: oh yeah cause that's a abby
Abby is the best friend you could ever ask for. She understands you perfectly and would never do anything to purposely make you feel bad. She likes and dislikes all of the same people as you but is still kind to the people she dislikes. She doesn’t Judge you for how you act or what you look like. The mood always brightens whenever she is around, and she is funny without even trying to be. She is beautiful and sweet and always has the scoop. If you ever get an Abby, never let her go.
Person1: who is that girl over there?
Person2:oh that’s Abby, everyone knows her.