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Child Labor

School does not cover the child labor law but still is as draining as a regular 40 hour work week.

Dad: works normal 40 hour work week. no overtime

kid: works normal 40 hour school week. Stays up till 3am every night to finish a stupid english assignment
kid: “why doesn’t the child labor law not include this under “not to age”

by ppguy1173 March 14, 2023

4👍 2👎

paco child

pa· co chī(-ə)ld

Def: An earthy substance of gold in the form of a meteorite. This meteorite comes from the universe of creativity, love, and happiness and has been sent to earth to spread those values. Once the meteorite lands on earth, it takes the form of a golden eagle; and soars to the far ends of the earth spreading positive vibes. Pacochild is a brand that encourages genuineness. As a brand, paco child seeks peace and unity among every human being; no matter your background, you can join the paco child family. Once you have purchased some paco child merchandise, you have been welcomed into the family of the paco pack.

ADJECTIVE: "Excuse me, are you wearing paco child merch?"
NOUN: For Christmas, I want to gift my little brother some paco child.

by paco child July 29, 2021

Noise Child

Usually given to name someone that plays loud music and is Australian.

Man, that guy is such a Noise Child

by Psychosisium November 27, 2016

Chore Child

While one brother/sister goes out and has fun on the weekends and such the other comes home from work or school and gets to clean the house or do yard work. This happens usually to brothers. The chore child usually envys the other brother as well. Usually the chore child is the older sibling.

Jim: "hey man wanna hang out?"
Ricky" I can't I have to do my brothers chores because I'm the chore child"

by Delay December 8, 2014

vodka child

A child created from a night of heavy drinking of vodka or any hard liquor.

Hey, Richards parents drank a lot that night and made him; he's a vodka child.

by Big girthy tone June 8, 2018

cresant child

It is a term used when a individual that is under the age of 16 is smelly or stinky a lot of the time

Example- “you are a cresant child”

by Vintagehienzbeans January 9, 2020

Aids child

A adult/ child with no life

Thanks for stealing my kill fucking aids child

by Skidbubs_ July 11, 2016