(sl.) getting rekt by insane rng. Usually used when a babbling book is involved, winning you the hearthstone tournament.
Oh damn, im being pavelled!
AmnesiaSC got pavelled twice in a row
Lying and complaining about everything to elicit sympathy from others, especially on social media.
"Posting a picture of my wife online is crossing the line"
Dude you're being a Steve!!!
Whst your friend calls you when you promise to give your friend your duster. But then you take a long time to give it and your friend gets impatient.
"Jake lets get the 1:50 train"
"You're being a duster"
"It's not about winning, it's about being the most toxic" is a team motto started by four teammates in the Call of Duty clan TOX1C, who frequented Warzone lobbies together.
The motto went viral on Call Of Duty News on July 20th, 2022.
Traditionally the phrase is split into two parts when a "toxic" play is made.
Traditionally it is used to acknowledge a players toxic play:
Teammate one: *Uses grenade launcher*
Teammate two: "Its not about winning"
Teammate one: "Its about being the most toxic"
Alternatively, it can be said in unison, when plays are made in unison:
All teammates: *riot shields*
All teammates: "It's not about winning, it's about being the most toxic!"
It means a cute guy who loves worst and thinks worst should be President of US and marry Gal Gadot
Nah not that much time y'all Being a dennis
Refusing to accept that you lose something and instead make up obvious lies and hold on to said lies even when you and everyone else is presented with the facts that you lost.
"Dont be foolish, You are being a Trump you know that she bluffed you in the game and that she won because of it."
Being a Failure is when Steven He's dad grabs the sandal and gives you permanent emotional damage.
You are being a failure.
-Steven's Dad