A very good example of a Telegram Group management bot which is made by Guru.
It is basically a modular Telegram Python bot running on python3 with a sqlalchemy database and an entirely themed persona to make Doraemon suitable for Anime and Manga group chats.
Person 1: Hey are there any bots which are underestimated but are insanely awesome
Person 2: Ever heard of Doraemon Bot?
Person 1: Ah that bot that's op but retards don't wanna admit it
on fortnite there are “bots” so they have a higher thought process because they know what’s up. if you know what’s up or ready for anything, you have “bot mentality”
“wow shakira was ready for that hit”
“yeah she got bot mentality”
Froggy bot is contrary to popular belief one of if not the best bot ever made in discord history. It was written by a very good coder guy "Marsmi" and has developed an incredible AI which is learning while you talk to him. It had many cool features like minigames, image and fun commands.
guy1: yo is that Marsmi no way dude!!!
guy2: yeah he made this cool bot called Froggy Bot
guy1: yooooo lets go talk to him
Marsmi: hey bro want an autograph
Manjot (aka. 8gb ram guy): lmfaoio bad bot doge better!!1!1!!
N1ck: hey im 15 and im very god coder my code is so hot I wanna marry it
Misterp: lol i image my phone broke and 1gb ram 😎
internet bots that flood YouTube comment sections with banal comments (eg. "that's a great take") and profile photos of luscious booties aka "Perv Spam"
I was trying to put a comment in this YouTube video, but the top 10 "comments" were all booty bots
An era in which 19-21 year olds born in early 2000’s act without being in the known and are completely unaware of current events.
My sister is in bot era with the way she talks about old sayings.
twitter lingo for: "we got our asses kicked and are mad about it"
"The Wilds fandom cheated. They used bots, that's why they're winning."