Source Code

Tazmanian Cannon

The act of leaving a butt plug in a woman (or man) for a week and feeding them nothing but beans so they get gassed up and shit goes flying when you pull the plug.

The Tazmanian Cannon made my room a mess.

by doc6104 October 6, 2023

tshirt cannon

A vagina

She popped that kid out like a tshirt cannon

by bandhumor January 17, 2012

The Cannon

When you pinch the forskin together and start pissing, it inflates like a baloon until you let go and it explodes like a cannon

Guys I just tried to do the cannon and it went everywhere

by The piss artist December 7, 2022

Dirt cannon

Synonym for asshole.

Brandon fires his dirt cannon after violent coitus.

by ALCsurvivor May 23, 2016

thot cannon

An literal cannon that shoots thots

Thats the most powerful thot cannon i’ve ever seen!

by NoRRJJ October 4, 2018

THOT Cannon

A handcannon used for destroying Thots.

Stands for Thermal Handcannon Optimized for Termination

Friend: Dude if she doesn't lay off our bro, im gonna use the THOT Cannon.
OF: The sacred weapon is not worthy of such lowly thot.

by The Real Robbie Rotten February 22, 2019

Clown Cannon

The action of putting whipped cream on a girl's vagina during her menstrual cycle, then ejaculating inside of her as she sneezes.

Dave: Hey, you trying to go back to my place and give me a Clown Cannon?

Emily: Just get the whipped cream ready before I get there.

by LichenLichen April 28, 2024