The act of leaving a butt plug in a woman (or man) for a week and feeding them nothing but beans so they get gassed up and shit goes flying when you pull the plug.
The Tazmanian Cannon made my room a mess.
When you pinch the forskin together and start pissing, it inflates like a baloon until you let go and it explodes like a cannon
Guys I just tried to do the cannon and it went everywhere
An literal cannon that shoots thots
Thats the most powerful thot cannon i’ve ever seen!
A handcannon used for destroying Thots.
Stands for Thermal Handcannon Optimized for Termination
Friend: Dude if she doesn't lay off our bro, im gonna use the THOT Cannon.
OF: The sacred weapon is not worthy of such lowly thot.
The action of putting whipped cream on a girl's vagina during her menstrual cycle, then ejaculating inside of her as she sneezes.
Dave: Hey, you trying to go back to my place and give me a Clown Cannon?
Emily: Just get the whipped cream ready before I get there.