Source Code

penis cheese

The white substance found around the head of the penis when it hasnt been washed for 1-2 months

Chad is the definition for penis cheese...

by Random_Hero_05 May 27, 2005

133๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

frottage cheese

Unexpected deposit occasionally resulting for the male from frottage

Cecil was displeased when he discovered the residue in his underpants after his steamy dry hump with Edna

by officeshapedprisoner May 21, 2004

76๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


the lint from your butt.

you know, that stuff, that you find at the back of your underpants, and it sort of looks like dust but you know it isn't, and you smell it, and it's kinda like cheese?
yeah, that's butt-cheese. Enjoy it.

by I <3 butt-cheese July 11, 2008

322๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

block of cheese

a wad of cash

I sold my old rims for cash to some sucka and made mad bank. Yo, look at this block of cheese I got now.

by Poop Stain Barney November 28, 2010

70๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

pot cheese

ricotta cheese, especially as referred to by Italians native of Newark, New Jersey

"Hey, Joey, can you pass me some more pot cheese for my macaroni?"

by Alanna MM May 26, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

home cheese

Home cheese is synonymous with homie, home boy, home skillet, home slice and the seldom referenced home piece. All of these expressions are terms of endearment--in an urban context--and are meant to demonstrate affection and either familiarity or at least a similarity of circumstances. Home cheese dates from at least the late 1980s' early hip hop scene. It, along with home skillet was usually said in a somewhat ironic manner, i.e. it was purposely absurd.

Yo, what up home cheese? What be the haps?

by Hoopermazing June 1, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crap and Cheese

what you start calling mac and cheese after you've tasted baked macaroni and cheese (so much better).

you gotta try my mom's mac and cheese!
ummm gross more like crap and cheese.

by BeatleOJ July 10, 2011