The act of falling asleep anywhere and everywhere, Day or Night.
Oh damn its pulling a Di again!
Most frequently used caption on xbox
“Paul take the ba...” Pedwardzzz has died
This specific form of instant death in (usually) roleplay is often used for comedic effect. This is prevalent in roleplays with teens or simply immature joke RPs. Alternative forms may replace “die” with “explode”, or “fucking” with “literally”, or combine the two into “literally fucking”. Fucking dying is commonly caused by mean-spirited comments, any form of violence, or intense fear. Fucking dying usually occurs in characters or RPs where respawning is prevalent.
Char 1: Slaps Char 2 in the face
Char 1: …Bruh.
A beginning to a sentence, after which comes something very deplorable that someone has done.
In chat room on the internet
Loser: Mario's abortion clinic, no foetus can beat us.
Serious person: Your ancestors died so that you can send spam messages in group chat.
That's what you ask google when you feel like throwing axes hache while eating mushrooms
Hey google! Where r the cuts around dis bitch?
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LOL But eventually the word will phase from existence; and this is how the website will die. This is how everything dies.