A meme, made by a guy who who told his friend his nuts where in the mail.
Friend: “What You Got In Yo Mail?”
Me: “Deez Nutz, HA! Goteeem!”
a joke among internet people used to signify a persons genetalia.
Person 1: my names deez.
Person 2: deez what sir?
Person 1: deez nutz, GOTTEM.
A Skill without cooldown,that can be used Either for a joke,or to Offend someone
Similar to Candice
J: "Man,these Nuts are crazy Cheap!"
J:"Deez what?"
deez nutz are the nutz of deez
imagine draging deez nutz across your face
Not a reference to actual testicles, "deez nutz" is an impromptu method for derailing a conversation, and/or showing general disrespect for the topic currently being discussed. It can also be used as a response to a question to which the responder does not know the answer and wishes to be excused from interrogation.
Teacher: "Little Jimmy, can you tell me what two plus two is?"
Little Jimmy: "Yes, ma'am. Two plus two is uuuum... DEEZ NUTZ!"
*Class erupts in raucous, jovial laughter*
*Jimmy gets detention*
Deez Nutz is a common joke circled around tiktok in 2021, here is an example.
Hot guy: Hey, do you know how Candice is?
Cool girl: No who is that
Hot guy: CANDEEZ NUTZ FIT IN YO MOUF???!!! 🤣🤣🤣⁉️