Source Code

aint did nun

I’m innocent

Eric: so you’re not goin to apologize to her?
Mike: why? Aint did nun

by Teepee73 March 17, 2021


What ever you do, don't ever type 'did' using the letters to the left of the respective keys

Person 1: Hey, type 'did' using the letters to the left of the keys.
Person 2: Holy fucking shit.

by bluepikman June 7, 2021


Engage in sexual activity

I never did it outside of my role as a missionary.

by Arminkshipper June 28, 2024


Someone who suffers from "Disorder of Intellectual Development"

"Damn John is retarded"
"Nah, dude, you can't say that anymore, they like to be called DIDs now"

by assslapper3000 November 3, 2021


Hello I am a hacker

Did you just eat me?

by hgfdxcvbhjk April 28, 2022

Did I ask?

The best comeback when somebody says something useless.

Kevin: Oh man, hey, Angela, did you know that cookies are made from dough? I never knew tha-
Angela: Did I ask?

Kat: That stupid girl can not shut her mouth for once, all she does is-
Myla: I heard she's secretly a vampire from Twilight!

by KatDeWolff December 24, 2022

Did I ask?

Did I ask? a term used by annoying people who think they are hilarious and doing something.

Person 1: You're dumb

Person 2: DID I ASK???

by ihateaudrey200 December 21, 2021