Dogma and idiosyncrasies of the socially manufactured zombies caught up in the zeitgeist of its contemporary, tabloid celebrity culture. The ideology behind douchebagism could be summarized as the entirety of the ideas and opinions found within the ”impulse buyers” magazine rack at any given supermarket‘s checkout counter, condensed into a lifestyle, à way of life to aspire to, with its own set of internal rules, and it’s own set of values.
If you had the Anniston haircut in the 90s, you were a part of the douchebagism of the time.
Two pricks that are douchebags
Ah crap the Double douchebag's are here
A person who is a douchebag in your deluded imagination
J. K. Rowling is a complex douchebag because woke idiots imagine that "transwomen are men" is offensive
The act of detecating in a condom, tying a knot at one end, freezing it and thawing half so it is a half frozen half liquid condom and then proceeding to use that as a dildo
Yo bro I gave her the Californian douchebag last night
When all your friends turn into douchebags when they were once nice. It's real.
"Don't be a sod."
Billy: Hey dude, wanna go to the movies today?
Todd: No dude I got in with the wrong crowd, now I have sudden onset douchebag syndrome.
For all the douchebags who’ve cheated on
Ellie: happy national douchebag day!
Robert: thanks…
When a girl is on her period, a male eats her out.
Jack- "Bro Josh is a Vampire Douchebag!
Stephan- "He be sucking that pussy like a vampire!"