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describes a person who is old and ran down, and need to get up and get on somewhere else.

They’ve been around too damn long, settling in for far too long, and getting dusty as hell.

by BipolarRepression November 24, 2019


The ugliest bastard you will ever meet in class.

Oh shit! here comes dusty.

by Feinting-fag-got May 6, 2019

1👍 2👎


Similar to the feeling of being tipsy when you drink but instead in the context of smoking weed. When you’re not quite high but no longer sober.

“Man I’m so dusty right now.” “I know I have work tomorrow, I’m not going to get high just dusty”

by Erika & Co. April 13, 2024


The extra curricular activity of huffing key board duster with a ballon - something a level up from nangs and will probably give you brain damage

Yo buddy you doing dusties tonight with me? Or are you going to be a pussy

by rakey November 17, 2021


R & B and Soul music from the 40's through the 70's.

I usually hear that jukebox playing Dusties.

by Jo Mamma January 26, 2022


A man who is dirty,ashy and broke

Antonio is dusty , his phone is always off

by Lyte45 June 26, 2018



That girl is dusty!

by Dusty Dusffffff January 18, 2019