Source Code

Factorial Fap Februar

This is the month, when you have to masturbate the number times a day, where number is factorial of the day's number.

Factorial is a mathematic technique to multiply whole numbers from 1 all the way up to the number, which is factorialed, included this number. It is signalized by "!".
For example

2! = 1 x 2 = 2
3! = 1 x 2 x 3 = 6
4! = 1 x 3 x 3 x 4 = 24
And so on...

For example number of faps on 3th Februar is 3!, which is 6. On 4 Februar it is 4! = 24.

On the 28th Februar the number of faps is 304888344611713860501504000000, which gives 126028581602064261120000 faps per second.

!DANGER! It may, or sure as hell will kill you, so do not overplay your hand.

-What is the cause of his death?
-He was participating in Factorial Fap Februar and overstepped.
-Oh I see. He is fourth kid in this week.

by JaAkaPanda December 6, 2018

half past fap

When you had planned a very special fap time and someone comes in (expectedly or unexpectedly) causing you to postpone or in worst cases cancel it.

friend gets home early and sits down to watch tv.

you: "Don't you have to be somewhere?? It's already half past fap and im jonesing to get back to business."
friend: "Dude, you shouldnt have told me. Now I'm not going anywhere so you will have to cancel your precious fap time!"
you: "FUCK YOU!"

by the engineer April 2, 2013

Cliff side fap

When you cum off the side of your bed

Dude last night I did a cliff side fap and I landed on my text book

by Fjdhrhhcu December 17, 2020

Forget Fapping February

No Nut November but in February
Basically just a second chance for those who failed NNN and also shorter

Person: Hey, have you heard of Forget Fapping February?
Person 2: No, what the fuck? How did you get in my house?

by heypaymeplease February 4, 2023

mid fap madness

Sudden urge to look for weird porn in the middle of a fap session

dude I got mid fap madness and ended up cumming to scat

by alex3142 May 5, 2016

fap till it's cold

When you fap in the shower for so long that the water in the shower turns old

I fap till it's cold & my roommates get mad because there's no more hot water.

by Thecoolchameleon December 18, 2016

Fast Fap February

FFF is when every day for this month you masturbate until you can ejaculate. You time how long it took to ejaculate and at the end of the month you compare and look for the fastest time you can ejaculate. Basically a speedrun to cum.

Person 1: Dude, you know it's Fast Fap February, how fast did you cum?
Person 2: It took me 20 seconds
Person 1: Damn it took me 5 minutes

by Yomamaha January 5, 2022