Oh, my god. You play Fortnite?? You are an ETERNAL VIRGIN
A good game with a bad loud community
People who say everyone who play Fortnite are dumb only listen to the loud part of the community
The game that will die on October 12.
John: Wanna play Fortnite?
Johnny: No I just got COD.
A game that is classified as actual cancer and retardedness
"Yo, did you hear that Joey got a bad case of Fortnite yesterady?"
Playing this game Gives you smol pp, it has a fanbase of fuckboys who play it to look at that Booty because they cant get girlfriends because they are fuckboys
'I found something out today, Ur Gay' Said martha 'Gay?' Jerry said 'you play fortnite, we cant be together' Martha peoceeds to kick jerry out of her house and when the ice cream van comes he gets ran over, fuck man got what he deserved