When you escape death by pure luck; somehow escaping death
"Woah, look! That guy just jumped 3 stories from that building and survived!"
"OMG! He's just been giving death the finger lately!"
A severe, sincere & absolutely genuine lack of shits given about a certain someone, thing, action or event. Commonly felt when being informed of or seeing something be revealed.
“Haha I just typed my name into urban dictionary, wanna know what it said???”
“No1 gives a fuck”
Synonym- hold on a sec
I’m busy or about to be busy so wait
Hey are you coming to bed
Yes just give me a minute
a phrase used by @94STILLINLOUVE on twitter.
(who has a very sexy layout i might add)
'someone give put me on the urban dictionary now '
Cause someone unwanted annoyances or problems
He was giving me grief about missing work.
It means to tease someone playfully.
I really want to give someone stick right now!
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