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Green friendly

(v) Although it is most commonly used to describe someone or something that is eco-friendly, green friendly is also used to discreetly indicate that someone or something is pro-marijuana.

I am looking for a green friendly roommate.

by NoBodyNoWhere June 10, 2009

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Green Onions

Parking Enforcement Officers employed by the city of Montreal are a sub-division of the Montreal police force, the Montreal SPVM (Service de police de la Ville de MontrΓ©al) where they are nicknamed "Green Onions" due to their formerly green uniforms.

Creton, who is of French origin, also had harsh words for the staff responsible for monitoring parking meters - green onions - which, according to him, sometimes appear "arrogant, vulgar and disgraceful. They are aggressive and strike without warning. He then adds that he regularly notices them (green onions), on Peel Street, waiting for the parking meters expire as to immediately impose fines on motorists.

by JoeBlo July 12, 2013

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

The green room

The room where playboi carti fucked his biggest fan. There isn’t clear clarification on who the fan was but evidence points to @therealchieff

Yo I took that bitch to the green room and she ate my ass nigga

by 1kjoemama March 10, 2021

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green leaf

garcia vega cigars
rolled into blunts

green leaf laced with hashish

by hahahaieiei June 24, 2006

22πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Green Daying

Green Daying is a verb, which describes when somebody is listening to songs by the American Punk Rock band - Green Day, continously, for a fairly large amount of time.

The reason verbs like this do not exist for other bands, is because not all bands can be listened to for a long amount of time, without getting boring.

Usually, iTunes is used to Green dayage. But Sometimes MP3 players etc. can be used. In most cases, at least 15 or more songs are needed to Green Dayage.

A true Green Dayager will try to get his/her hands on every Green Day song avaliable, through any means possible.

For many people, Green Dayaging is a hobby. It's something they like to do when they are feeling down, or why they are feeling up, or... in fact, in any mood.

Mike had been Green Dayaging all night long and he only stopped because he had to go out. This is an example of "Green Daying"

by Green Dayer December 5, 2009

22πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Green Balls

Its like Blue Balls, but instead of sex, its weed. Hence the green.


Stoner 2: Dude you got like Green Balls maaaaan

by Dylan Bigvanilla January 21, 2011

54πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

green day

a day only spent smoking weed

i smoked enough weed yesterday to have a green day

by Omar S October 20, 2006

39πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž