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The human Race

A really dumb group of mammals who will fight over the smallest possible things.

The Human race will fight over dumb and stupid reasons, such as who's pet is cuter.

by Humanswillprobablydiesoon November 18, 2019

19๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Human worm

Sexual act involving the connection of three human beings via face to bung hole. Much like the human centipede yet one decerning factor, the legs and arms of the particpants must be cut off or missing prior. In most cases the spines are broken to simulate proper worm moving mechanisms.

Man last night sucked I got stuck as the caboose in our human worm and now require prosthetic legs and arms, she was not worth it.

by Gombeek October 17, 2010

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

human suitcase

It's a thing of when a midget on rollerskates wears all of your clothes and then you pull them through an airport.

I went to "Booooooooof," the hottest club in New York, but left because there was no human suitcase, just a wise old turtle that looked like Quincy Jones.

by StefonNY February 13, 2011

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human shark

First get your girlfriend to stand naked facing a wall, next you go to the other side of the room, place your hands behind your head, (as to make fins) sing the theme song to Jaws and run full speed at her arse with your errect cock.

From Da Lord Nikon

Oh My god cletus! I Sharked your sis!.
Can I have a shot brother?

by Lord Nikon June 28, 2004

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Human Centipad

Another ingenues invention by Apple and Steve Jobs. This new product incorporated an Iphone 4, and Ipad 3G. It was capable of "reading" through the help of a middle aged asian man, a 10 year old by, and a middle aged woman all surgically fused ass to mouth. It was rumored that the Iphone was duck taped the the forehead of the asian man. While the Ipad was duck taped to the butt of the woman.

Unfortunately, this product only made it through preliminary testing after it was recalled the day of its revealing to the general public at a Best Buy, Dr. Phil special. Where they gave the new product to an abused 10 year old boy, who claimed to be "fucked" by him mother.

Steve Jobs has yet to make a public statement.

Asian Man: Im so hungry! should I eat the Cuddle Fish and Asparagus? Or the Vanilla Paste?

10 Year Old Boy: Vanilla Paste! Vanilla Pasteeee!

Asian Man: OK! I will eat the Cuddle Fish and Asparagus!

Human Centipad: Yumm Yumm Yumm, sd;fjdsf, fsdjkfd, ;lkjdsf, eeerreekkkk, Beep.

by losebagman May 2, 2011

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Being for human rights (Positive ones). I.e: pro-sexuality, pro-race, pro-body, etc. Embracing human rights.

"Did you see how Kim stepped in for that kid because he was being made fun of for being gay?"
"Yeah, she's so pro-human."

by Lil Aev February 24, 2015

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human penis


you are a human penis

by some_fucker December 13, 2016

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