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"junk" filter abuse

Where you falsely tag one or more legitimate e-mails as "spam" merely because you'd prefer not to read the messages due to their containing unwelcome content, such as reminding you that you owe money, are responsible for performing certain arduous/unpleasant tasks, etc.

Practicing "junk" filter abuse may indeed prevent unwelcome e-mails from showing up in your inbox, but it merely "delays the inevitable"... the chickens are still gonna come home to roost eventually (i.e., your creditors and/or da cops are still gonna come knocking on your door in da end), but by then they will be "cackling mad" at your selfish/offhanded ignoring of them and their genuine issues with you, and so they will likely scatter poop and loose feathers all over you (i.e., deal with you a lot more harshly) when they finally arrive on your doorstep, rather than just placidly settling down in their stalls for the night, the way they probably would have if you had simply addressed their concerns in a timely/appropriate manner in da first place!

by QuacksO October 28, 2018

Junk rush

a multitude of unsolicited genital photos sent at once

Edmond Junk rushed me last Monday on insta.

by Streckdog69 January 22, 2024


when you hit a friend in the junk to see him double over and cuss at you.

lets play paint ball but no junking.

by jj-thenut March 4, 2020

urban junk hole

A recycling facility. A ghetto slut. Figuratively, the lowest point in the inner city.

I have some cans to return for my deposit at the urban junkhole. I been fillin' my urban junk hole Shaniqua when I needs to fuck. The poorest people go to the bottom of the urban junkhole.

by Fr8h8r December 20, 2014

Murphy's Law of "Junk"

"You can hold onto something for decades, and neither you nor anyone else will ever have a use for it, but then just as soon as you throw it out, either you will suddenly need it for something, or --- even more 'painful' --- **someone else** will come to you and humbly ask, 'Do you happen to have an extra ___?'" Rrrrrggggghhhhh----!!!

I'd had a couple of old 55-gallon oil-drums stashed in da garage for da past thirty years --- my grampa had given 'em to me when he and Gram were downsizing to move into an assisted-living apartment --- and they'd just sat there and gathered dust in da corner all that time. But then just two days --- TWO STINKIN' DAYS!! --- after I'd sent 'em to da crusher for recycling, a low-income neighbor dropped by and asked me if he could have them to use as burn-barrels --- guess dat was a classic case of Murphy's Law of "Junk" at work!!

by QuacksO July 24, 2018

Madders Junk

Some say TotallyMadders Junk in the trunk is soop big he in fact needs 3 super truck trailers to carry it all. A mere act of him crossing the street has to be planned weeks in advance with city planning, traffic department, fire department, emergency reponse unit and the militairy. Legend has it that no female ever left his presence without walking out like a cowboy with tears in her eyes and a huge smile on her face.

Have you heard the legend of Madders Junk?

by Infallable Word June 1, 2018

Junk Drunk

The effects of consuming alcohol that has been poured on your partners genitals and sucked/licked off.

I licked beer from her pussy and ended up Junk Drunk.

by PottyMouth73 October 8, 2023