A person born to parents who had children so they could traffick them. A person of any race, socioeconomic class, or country of origin can be a nig.
Calling someone a nig is not an insult. When people identify as nigs, they are challenging the commonly held belief that slavery is dependent on racism or sexism.
Nig- is a prefix for most Nig words. For example Nig#a. or Nig##r.
Jeliza: Your a nig.
White Farmer: There are many times of nig's.
Jeliza: NIGGE-
I word used when your confused at a thing someone says or when some one do something confusing.
friend: I laughed so hard i shat bricks
me: nig
gamer tag for New In Game, like newb or noob
Player XX is so nig its embarassing