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nut patty

When you ejaculate in between a female's ass cheeks and procede to slap them together like two buns on a burger creating a "nut patty".

Person 1: "Did you nut in her bro?"
Person 2: "Nah I just madea quick nut patty, you want one?"

by Stizzy Smokah October 20, 2019

York Peppermint Patty

When you are doing anal and you creampie a girl, then proceed to lick the cum out of her asshole.

Dude, I'm getting somw ass tonight. Maybe I will york peppermint patty her.


hamburger patty

something you slap your friends with in the face when they are being disrespectful and rude.

friend1: ya abby is such a stupid i dont like her
friend2:omg she has slept with so many guys she is starting to look like one
friend3:yea she is really ugly:
me:guys thats not nice (this is where the hamburger patty coes in handy) *slaps with hanmburger patty*

by yuhyuh6969 March 31, 2021

Pocketbook Patty

A woman that spends money on men to buy their affection. “Woman Trick

Jennifer spends a bag on every man she meets, she is just a big pocketbook Patty.

by KeepitG409 October 20, 2022

Cow Patty

When you've shit your pants and you sit down to feel the squishy poo spreading around in your underwear.

Man i couldn't hold it, now i got a cow patty chilling till i get home

by thatausguy July 23, 2019

snatch patty


Kehoe is a snatch patty

by treyway bitch suck dick September 23, 2018

patti babies

It is such an encounter language u will wish to understand it, but u Noobs can’t understand it. Only Legendary Hrishi shah and his apprentices.

Patti bi*ch baby.
I love my Patti baby
Patti babies

by Patti man 100000 July 17, 2019