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Lil Pump

The rapper who dropped out of Harvard to β€œsave the rap game” but is the first rapper people point to when lamenting about mumble rap.

Lil Pump arose to fame by publishing a song where he repeated β€œGucci Gang” over and over again and described his nonexistent sexual exploits.

by True_Lust July 22, 2019

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Lil Pump

A X-SoundCloud rapper who dropped out of Harvard to become a full-time trap rapper. He is known for saying β€œESSKEETIT,” which is a combination of the three words β€œlets”, β€œget” and β€œit.” Many would say he is a β€œmumble rapper.” But honestly who gives a fuck. Many would say he is stupid, but I’d honestly like to see them haters make it to Harvard. He is part of β€œGucci Gang,” a gang known for wearing expensive clothing.

Lil Pump: β€œmomma told me Lil Pump wolnt be shit, told that bitch I could move these bricks”

by ☣SUPA THICC BOIZ☣ August 17, 2018

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Lil Pump

A rapper from Florida who blew up in early 2017 with songs like β€œD Rose” and β€œFlex like ouu”. Lil pump songs are typically a quick hook containing the name of the song, followed up by a quick 8 bar verse about how he pops pills and fucks your sister, and then he repeats the song title 45 more times. His music is decent for when your high as fuck and just listening to the beat, but if your sober and listening to the lyrics you might want to gouge your own eyes out. His most popular phrase is esketit. And he even has a song with that title.

Isaiah: you like lil pump?
Demarcus: nah that nigga trash
*3 backwoods later*

by theburningchicken July 16, 2018

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river pump

The act, or effect, of exercising (push ups etc.) just before embarking on an intertube trip down the river. This temporarily enlarges your muscles, with the desired result being a more impressive appearance to the opposite sex.

Instead of tying up the raft he was on the bank working on his river pump.

by T. H. Wilson May 29, 2006

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squat pump

squating onto someone's waiting hand, holding a thumb up. you land on their thumb then repeat. works as cardio and foreplay ;)

wow that squat pump work out really made my legs hurt!

by gorillawarfair May 4, 2017

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pumping a grumpy

1. fucking the shit out of an old dude until he has a heart attack

2. tryin to insert your dick into a frisky squirrel.

"I caught that whore fucking my grandpa!"
"Yeah man, she was pumping a grumpy"

"Last night i was pumping a grumpy, and the mother fucker bit me"

by Big Jerms July 27, 2005

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Pump & Dump

A hooker or a hook-up girl that was used the night before. She is usually seen looking for a ride. Could be partially dressed or a little messy with the personal hygene. Lipstick is smeared, wearing a mans shirt, stinky..

The pump & dump was seen hitch hiking trying to get a ride back to town.

by Ruby Wells November 5, 2007

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