Very cute b*tch with perfect a$$. This person is smart and loyal. PERFECT COMBINATION
Pronounced: R-E, Not ree
Abbreviation for the british motorcycle company, Royal Enfield
Hey did you hear that Lew got the new re 650?
He's got a lot of re's now, i said he needs some parts from Hitchcock's.
1. Short for retard.
2. Also used in Greek language most likely as an insult or get attention.
3. When used in letters or emails: Abbreviation of the word regarding.
4. If extended e's are involved: this is the battle cries of an outsider in trouble because of normies.
Ex 1: "Jack eat all my potato salad when I told him not too. What a fucking re."
Ex 2: "Re, don't fall down that hole in front of you."
Ex 3: RE: Car for sale.
Aka the worst subject to EVER exist, RE homework is the worst type of homework and honestly it's just useless in general. people only pick this subject to go on school trips, fair enough eh?
what lessons next? Ugh RE, worst class everrrr
screeching at someone *cough cough* jesse.
everyone else: fortnite issues??