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chasing the rabbit down the hole

Something that is very common to observe Mensa (high IQ) members doing when discussing a topic. They'll start off on one topic, but will usually veer off topic several times in rapid succession and end up talking about something totally different than when they started. This can happen within first few minutes of the discussion.

Damn! John is chasing the rabbit down the hole again!

by Yepes July 7, 2017

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Pulling rabbits out of my ass

Doing something in a way that shouldn't work, but somehow does.
Creating money out of thin air.
Accomplishing the impossible in the most stupid way possible.
Being saved by nothing short of a miracle.

N: Seriously bruh, where all this money come from?
J: I told you man, I'm really good at pulling rabbits out of my ass

by FridayLightsFTW May 16, 2020

bred like a nymphomaniac rabbit on Viagra

What a human has done who thinks the only meaning of life is to make more life. Often has 6 or more children, wants to get free paychecks, has many spouses (consecutively or concurrently), wants time off from work, and doesn't believe in either condoms or abstinence.

Heather's grandmother bred like a nymphomaniac rabbit on Viagra. She had 17 children, each and every one a body mass index of 40.

by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter April 23, 2008

10πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Silly rabbit trixs are for kids

Silly rabbit trix are for kids is saying used to make reference to a person who was a victim of human trafficking as a child. Its used among victims of human trafficking and can be used in a serious, joking or complementary way. In conversation this saying can also be shortened down by simply referring to a person as a Tricky Rabbit.

Is used in the same way it was in the movie Kill Bill. When someone thinks they've got you or won but you make a comeback.

Example 1:
Person 1- I'm going to kill you

Person 2- No your not because the police just arrived. You didn't think it was going to be that easy did you. Silly rabbit trixs are for kids

Example 2: How did you make an A on the Calculus exam. That test was so difficult. Tricky rabbit aka you're really smart

Example 3: That new girl is a tricky rabbit. AKA that new girl was a victim of human trafficking as a child.

by Shady04 August 28, 2020

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good news rabbits

meaning that everything is going good at a party,galla, event. :p

wow this party is good news rabbits.

by logan and garren May 19, 2008

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Animal cracker in my soup monkeys and rabbits in it too

Better then your butt because it’s thiccer then you’ll ever be

hey I like your animal cracker in my soup monkeys and rabbits in it too
It’s thick

by Imtrashtehe October 27, 2019

Eye of rabbit, harp string hum, turn this water into rum!

The spell that Seamus Finnigan uses to try and turn his goblet of water into rum. Much like everything else that he tries to put spells on, the water explodes in his face.

Seamus: Eye of rabbit, harp string hum, turn this water into rum!
Harry: Ron, what's Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?
Ron: Turn it to rum. Actually managed a weak tea yesterday, before--

by luvcats222 November 4, 2015