I caught republican herpes at a trump rally and now I can’t taste anything.
A term mostly used by leftists/Democrats to describe basically any Republican they REALLY don't like.
ThIs MaGa rEpUbLiCaN iS lItErAlLy HiTlEr CuZ hE/sHe DoEsN'T wAnNa BaN mUh AsSaUlT wEaPoNs!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!
A term used by Democrats to basically describe any Republican they REALLY don't like.
OmG mUh MaGa RePuBlIcAnS aRe LiTeRaLlY hItLeR cUz ThEy DoN't WaNnA bAn MuH aSsAuLt WeApOnS!!!!!1111!!
A term mostly used by leftists/Democrats to describe basically any Republican they REALLY don't like.
ThIs MaGa RePuBlIcAn Is LiTeRaLlY hItLeR cUz He/sHe DoEsN't WaNnA bAn MuH aSsAuLt WeApOnS!!!!!!!!!!
Very slow and boring pornography that gets the job done in an offensive way. (Once extremely popular from 2000-2008)
Guy 1: I don't have time to search for my fetish today, I need satisfactory porn now!
Guy 2: Try Republican porn, it's the vanilla ice cream of porn!
A republican that is secretly a pan sexual or has more than one cast iron skillet of the same size
Hey buddy I noticed your MAGA hat and those two 8" cast iron skillets you had hanging above the stove, I'm just gonna co.e out and say it, are you a pan republican?
Something that shouldn't be true, but unfortunately it is (in the USA, at least).
Democrats are far left and Republicans are far right
Everyone in between is normal
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