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Skank Bank

A wank bank is where one stores pornography on their storage platform of choice, Similarly, a Skank Bank is for the storage of tunes that one wishes to dance to.

"Thats one for the Skank Bank" (After hearing a banging tune)

by S4murai September 29, 2015

Bro Skank

Derived from the terms bro and skank.
Means a person - usually a male - who forgets/ignores his friends (brothers) for a member of the opposite sex. The person that the friends are being ignored for are usually sluts or 'easy'.

Guy 1: "Hey, you've stopped talking to Jack"
Guy 2: "Actually, he stopped talking to me."
Guy 1: "Bro skank?"
Guy 2: "Yup."

by SofaKingBored February 28, 2011

skank and bank

When girls act trashy and sleep around with multiple guys to get free dinners, trips, drinks.

"I just broke up with my boyfriend who took care of all my bills, so I may have to skank and bank until I find a new one."

by themadrussian September 23, 2011

skank cackle

The noise made by undesirable or worn out women when complaining.

The meth whore from down the street was on one today.....I could hear her skank cackle three blocks away.

by Vera Chainsaw August 12, 2021

Crank skank

Synonym to methwhore

Someone who will fuck you or your boyfriend for a bag

“Why’s hayley here”

Oh you know her, she’s a crank skank”

by Fvckin.bvllshit December 18, 2019

Stanky skank

That one hoe that always smells like onions and garlic

I heard LaQrunchia is a Stanky Skank.

by TOomp March 12, 2021

skank paint

To hastily paint over a previously painted toenail in a crude fashion.

"If you're going to wear flip flops you should at least get a pedicure"
"It's okay I'll just skank paint them"

by bigknows June 23, 2012