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storm chips

An Atlantic Canadian term for when you buy chips for the purpose of snacking on while stuck at home during an intense storm

Im gonna run to Walmart to stock up on storm chips before this nor’easter hits

by Hurricane Dorian September 15, 2023

severe whorunder storm

Is when a whorenado is downgraded or weakens. This could be caused by a member of the whorenado being kicked out of the bar or Ubers home early, due to already being shithoused at 7 pm. Also a severe whorunder storm is present usually several minutes before a whorenado actually forms. Normally possessing the characteristics of; “loud talking”, extreme, sporadic, high pitched laughter and also intermittent “woo” calls. See woo girl. These things will happen more frequently and will intensify greatly, and within moments, evolving into a full fledged whorenado.

Oh fuck, here we go! Looks like that severe whorunder storm is gaining strength by the second! We’re definitely gettin some tang tonight!

Kevin said there’s a severe whorunder storm by the bar. We need to holla at them before it gains whorenado status.

I had to get the wife and kids the fuck outta Applebee’s! There was a severe whorunder storm at the bar steadily gettin worse!!

by Jmbc17 November 9, 2017

Sean Snow Storm

That guy that's right there ready to swoop in on your girl the moment he sees 'trouble in paradise'. He's a homie to all the bros, just waiting for that perfect moment to be the oh so convenient rebound guy for her moment of weakness.

"Hey bro, why you hanging with my girl like a Sean Snow Storm is about to hit"

by EmKayJ January 25, 2023


When multiple people try and blame the same event on one another in a group argument

Six people in the elevator and someone slips out a silent bomb, the finger pointing started out small but turned into a full out blame-storm before the doors opened.

by Robyngoodfello December 11, 2016

storm lacrosse

Basically a lacrosse team with only white men on their board. Oh and if ur on a girls team don’t expect to get an equal amount of money or practices them the boys!!

“no way yr a laxer!?”
“uhh yeah”
Oh cool what team”
“storm lacrosse...”
“haha i bet you can’t even play then”

by Gdasddde April 6, 2019

Storm Math

A description of the type of incorrect math or reasoning that a retard tries to make up on the spot to sound legit, even though it's just simple math. Give them long enough and you might even start believing his nonsense.

Why did the house collapse? The architecture got drunk and designed it with some bunk ass storm math.

by TheJoker763 May 10, 2024

Storm Math

A description of the type of incorrect math or reasoning that a retard tries to make up on the spot to sound legit, even though it's just simple math. Give them long enough and you might even start believing his nonsense.

The IRS lost over 1 trillion dollars out of some bunk ass storm math.

by TheJoker763 May 11, 2024