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dickmented flower

Dickmented flower

I looked at Ryan and thought about his dickmented flower. He has an ugly one #lmfaostupidryan

by Blacked fig December 18, 2017

Flower bud syndrome

A term used to describe someone who was once sociable and self-assured but becomes shy, quiet, and reserved over time because of bullying, being excluded, or ostracized, especially for being different. It's like a flower bud that starts out open and full of life, but closes up because of tough situations, causing the person to hide their true self and lose their sparkle.

“After years of bullying and being excluded for her unique interests, Mia developed Flower Bud Syndrome, becoming quiet and reserved instead of the vibrant, sociable person she used to be.“

by misscherrypie December 28, 2024

Bouquet of flowers

An orgy of all punk rock girls (Perhaps Lesbians) with dyed hair. A reference to the Scott Pilgrim comics. The character Ramona Flowers.

The house next door was like a bouquet of flowers man.

by Smith McCool July 21, 2020


An amazing cosplayer that mainly cosplays fnaf or danganropa.

Man: who's your favorite cosplayer on tiptoe?
Girl: flower._.cosplays, duh!

by Itzziris February 8, 2022

Flower pussy

When you shove a shoe up your partners arsehole and casually teabag their face whilst eating a Mr whippy and listening to ragtime music

"yes we had a flower pussy"

by I'm_Immensley_bored November 5, 2021

Flower mound cross country


Jdo Flower mound cross country

by Yyyyyytfhy September 26, 2021

Drew Flower

The "Drew Flower" is the act of rizzing up a girl by intentionally misspelling your name, and then correcting her when she gets it wrong.

Girl: "Hey, Drew Flower. How's it going?"
Drew: " Actually, it's Drew Fowler."

by pelicanpecan January 5, 2023