A Bogan-Australian term for an arrogant French person.
French Guy: Sacre bleu, ziss beer taste like many men have urinated into a bottle and served it cold
Aussie guy: Shut up ya Frog jockey!
Someone who moans about the owners of cars that are left laying unused and the fact the owner won't sell them but is fine with the majority of people who scrapped them when they were worthless
Posting pics of the cars in my garden will bring out the scrap jockeys
Someone who believes a custodian of a classic vehicle requires shooting due to having not taken care of the vehicle to the point it has deteriorated over the years perhaps in a field or yard but yet has no problem with the other majority of folk who scrapped the same model of vehicle back in the day when it was worthless, and fails to see that some car, be it only good for the vin tags, RHD gear or glass or perhaps restoration, is better than no car.
...Cuthbert, posting photos on social media of your garden cars is going to open you up to loads of Scrap Jockeys giving you negative comments!...
Someone who talks total pure shite and act like they know it all or the like the dick and ride it as if it's a horse like sea biscuit.
See him he's talking shite the Knob Jockey
Damn she rode my dick like a fucking Knob Jockey
when someone is being a right tosser
last week jack said my mum was fit, hes a right knob jockey
Someone that rides long unicorns
What is that?
It’s a knob-jockey
one who likes who like to ride knob
mom: morgan why do you have to be such a knob jockey?
morgan k: sorry mom, i just love knob!!