When a girl likes the taste of cum so much that she will drop anything to get it.
Hey, where did Kelci go? You know she went to go suck dick. That girl is so semen whipped!
The whip dance is a modern dance where the person bends their right forearm to the left while also bending their left leg to the right or vise versa. Once cocked all the way the person person leans to the side that their arm and leg are facing. When ready the person get back into normal position by bending their legs and having their arm and fist pointing foward. At the end of the dance move some people also add the "nae nae" forming the whip and nae nae. These 2 trends, whip and nae nae, soon formed the hit song " Watch me whip".
" James can really hit that whip"
" Shaniqa can't even nae nae"
Mennonite Version of Pussy Whipped, pronounced (FOOS-E-WHIP-DAH) Phuissy is derived from the old german word for clam.
He can't come in the car pool anymore because his wife doesn't want him to drink beer, not even one. He is so Phuissy Whipped
A penis that is ready to ejaculate at a moments notice.
My man has a true case of ready whip, ready to blow anytime I need it to.
When someone is going fast, driving like a race car driver. They are pushing the whip.
I be speeding, could’ve been a driver the way I push the whip. -king Von
To be beat unmercifully senseless.
Mike billy whipped John senseless.
like the whip dance move but with less dedication; used when hanging out with friends or if one is too shy to do a full whip
Tori is a shy dancer and does casual whips instead of making a scene with a full whip