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A term to describe 5 liter Mustangs and other notorious american muscle cars.
Often used by Asian Racers and import cars enthusiasts.

" Haha, diu la ma!(speakin Chinese) Who dis guy tink is witta 5Liter-Eater, psssh"

by HingDai4Lyfe January 19, 2005

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cum eater

titty dick shit!

you motherfucker, you are a cum eater!

by xxxjerrysuxcoxndix69xxx April 7, 2017

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eater eats

a special mixed one-of-a-kind breed of a labrador retriever; Cody

Eater eats loves playing chuckit! in the back yard.

by Anonymous August 20, 2003

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Crayon Eater

A person who degen trades NFTs on the internet!

A person who eats crayons & gets rich!

I love to eat crayons; you can call me a crayon eater.

Crayon eaters are GMI; Luchi gives away all his trade secrets!

Those who trade together, eat crayons together. -Crayon Eaters

by PrincessNFT February 28, 2022

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Salsa Eater

A Way To Say Spainard. Like N***** is to a black person.

also can be said as salsa muncher

originally from SickOne AKA Loks

Loks: fuck a salsa eater they backstabbing pricks
Snowy: Salsa Eater? wtf

by AZTECPR1D3 September 5, 2008

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Bean Eater

Slang used rarely for British people. It’s a term that originated from the stereotype of British people eating beans on toast. It is used often used in a derogatory context, but is not a harmful term.

Person 1: Yeah, my friend’s a bean eater.
Person 2: You have friends in Britain?
Person: 1: Mhm!

by s e e s a w May 21, 2021

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Bean eater

a crusty ass person who looks annoys the shit outta you: They probably also drinks beans from a can

Look at that fricken bean eater

by yoinksschoob November 9, 2020

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