To gain somebodies attention in a rude or aggressive way.
Derived from West Midlands
Woo/wooh is commonly thrown into conversation among skeptics as a way to describe pseudo scientific or just "strange" spiritual beliefs/practices
I thought about joining Buddhism because of the philosophy, but I was afraid I'd get caught up in all the woo and herbs and stuff
Vocalization of a dog , particularly dogs like malamutes or other Northern, wolfy breeds, which sounds akin to howling, and is the actual sound they make. This is distinct from barking, or to dogs which make vocal noises that sound like “arf”, “woof” or “ruff” .
Every time I’m making chicken, my dog comes in and woos at me to feed her some.
My dog was wooing at the door when I came home.
A different way of saying 'not'
Used to show that a statement was said sarcastically
Often paired with the 🤙 hand sign
**stuck behind someone walking slow
You: "Ay she's fast tho"
Friend: "Yeah 🤙 woo"